The New Ascension Process of 2020 and Beyond, Moving from Fear and Powerlessness, To Love and Empowerment

Melissa Feick’s Presentation for the ACT meeting, April 9, 2020

This has been the year of firsts, especially with Covid19 and sheltering in place directives.  ACT responded by regrouping and completely rethinking how we would offer our Programs and develop an online zoom strategy that would keep our programing coming to our members and friends of ACT.  Kudo’s to those in ACT that were able to make this possible.  We kicked off our virtual program with Melissa Feick’s insightful program, and as is often the case, it fell together perfectly!  Melissa delivered a program, albeit virtual, that knocked it out of the ball park!

The material she presented was so meaningful and rich that Vicki Fearey and I shared several phone calls and email exchanges in an effort to capture just some of the highlights that Melissa shared with us on April 9th Zoom call.  She introduced us to the dawn of this new age and gave us a perspective into what is happening in our world now and how to prepare ourselves for the monumental transitions of this sacred time.

“The past ten years,” Melissa stated, “has been child’s play compared to the accelerated frequencies we will be experiencing now and going forward. “ While this process is not tethered to government or even the virus; we have been shaken to our core.

The pandemic has certainly not only shaken us, but the entire world to its core. A global pandemic is a big player in this time of Ascension and rising frequencies, and we have been called to be leaders and help ourselves and others ascend into higher consciousness through power and love.  This is a galactic situation requiring that we move from the old concepts of ego, control and power.  This is love through power and it will strengthen us in ways we don’t even know yet.  This is powerful on an individual level but is exceptionally powerful in groups.

Melissa’s meditation was quite deep and moving allowing us to focus on each chakra and align them while encouraging us to expand and raise our frequency as we worked on our ascension and became one with the divine. The meditation invited us to be open to the loving frequencies that would enable us to jump time lines to activate a whole new way of living in this 3D and 5D world through awareness and love.

Melissa has posted her Divine Love Meditation on her website. She has generously made this available to all of us.  For your free meditation, go to

By Helen Dierker and Vicki Fearey
ACT Communications Team

A Tribe of Lightworkers – Together We Rise!

If you are reading this, you are a Lightworker and your light has never been needed more than it is at this time!   2020 we were told would bring big changes and challenges but who could have imagined what we are going through now?  It is important to remember that now is the time we have come for!

As Lightworkers we realize how important increasing and expanding our consciousness and awareness is and that it is the reason why we are here.  We know that we are more than our jobs or the tasks we perform and our ultimate aspiration is to become the best we are meant to be.

We are also very interested in self growth so we read, study and place a high priority on bettering ourselves so ultimately, we can be of service in love to those we come in contact with.   We know we all have somethings valuable to share and we know it is all an expression of Love.

Lightworkers march to a different drum and ultimately feel “different”.  Even though our family, friends and acquaintances like/love us, we know they don’t get us completely.   Also, many Lightworkers have experienced trauma and great difficulties that instead of destroying them has stretched them to a place of greater Understanding.  They see life, people, experiences and the world from a higher more spiritual point of view, they have developed expanded Awareness that they long to develop and share.

Lightworkers long for a Tribe where they can feel accepted, respected, understood and purposeful.  A place and people you can learn with and share your talents and insights.  You have found your Tribe with us!

ACT wants you to know that we remain active during these isolating times to provide those opportunities to learn, grow and share.  You will be receiving weekly emails from “A Community of Transformation” updating our Programs, study groups, Reiki, etc. as we shelter in place.   Our work continues and is more important than ever, so please look for emails from [email protected] and join us when you can with our online programs.

There is a dark cloud over us now, but we know that the sun is still shining above those clouds.  We know that the Light is always there and the darkness is often where the most important lessons are learned.  It is a time to go within and find your light and share it.  The clouds will pass and we will be transformed.  It will be challenging but if we go through this Consciously, we will grow!

We invite you to join our Tribe of Lightworkers.  Anyone joining or joined now will be included in the upcoming years membership.  Thank you all so much for your support.  Our programs will continue virtually until we safely can meet again.  You can check us out  at   However, if you don’t feel this is the right time for you to join, please know you are Always Welcome! We love and appreciate you no matter how you chose to show up!

Remember “we love each other into wholeness” and Together We Rise!

With Love and Light,

Helen Dierker,
Membership Chair

The Sunday Celebration of Circular Leadership!

On Sunday, November 10, 2019, A Community of Transformation (ACT) came together to celebrate Linda Roebuck and the launch of her collaborative book “Circular Leadership: Together We Rise.” Linda spoke about the book and more importantly the meaning and transforming power of Circular Leadership.  We concluded the celebration in a joyous circle while Bob Sima and Shannon Plummer led the singing of “Together We Rise” the theme of the book and Bob’s contribution to its writing and high vibrational energy.

And you can download Bob’s song when you buy the book! Why not buy the Kindle version right now for only $0.99 and you can listen to the song immediately. And while you are on Amazon please consider leaving a comment on the page. Here’s the link to buy the Kindle Version:

Click to Buy

Also much of the Celebration was video recorded. Watch it here

Our Shamanic Journey to the Temples of the Heart by Karen Brachman

Paul Sivert, the founder and owner of the Shamanic Healing Institute, spoke at the ACT October 8 gathering.  Paul is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (L.C.P.C.) and a highly trained shamanic practitioner healing professional.

The mission of the Shamanic Healing Institute is to heal and teach people through individual and group spiritual healing sessions, workshops, retreats, practitioner education programs and products.

Paul’s vision is to preserve the cross-cultural healing traditions and teachings and integrate them into energy healing practices.

Paul led us through one of the most common practices of the tradition, a Healing Journey. He began by creating a sacred safe space with a ceremony that invoked and welcomed our helping spirits from the South, West, North and East, from Below and from Above and by referencing the sun, air, water, fire elements.

Paul then led a guided meditation to ensure that everyone became aware of their personal spirit guide.

Paul explained that the focus for this journey would be to visit at least 3 of the 9 Temples of the Heart and would be induced by rhythmic drumming. He distributed descriptions of each of the Temples:

  • Temple of Joy – Soul
  • Temple of Grief/Sadness – New Beginnings
  • Temple of Humbleness – Softness
  • Temple of Hope – Gratitude
  • Temple of Anger – Transformation
  • Temple of Ego/Fear – Compassion
  • Temple of Harmony – Blessings
  • Temple of Sweetness – Nectar
  • Temple of Wisdom – Sacred Knowledge.

Paul suggested that we might want to take action in the temples to: 1) Let something go.  2) Ask a question. 3) Receive a gift.  4) Receive a message.

And so the drumming began.

When the final drum signal brought us back from our journey we shared our experiences. It became obvious that no two journeys were alike and yet there were common elements in all of them.

Divided into smaller groups we shared specifics about which temples we explored, our visions and any actions taken. The room was filled with increased energy and animated  conversations.

It was a remarkable afternoon and we all took away a better understanding of the potential and possibilities of integrating Shamanic techniques into our lives.

Thank you, Paul!

The Future Ain’t What It Used To Be

ACT welcomed our beloved Gloria Hesseloff, renowned professional astrologer and stargazing mystic, in February 2017 as our keynote presenter.   She shared her insights as we began what she described to be “…a year of sacred preparations. This is our opportunity to put supportive structure in place, both in our lives and in our outer world.”

A wealth of Akashic knowledge, Gloria enlightened us about the general energetic tendencies and influences associated with the planets: “Yes, Venus is all about Love Sweet Love”, she agreed, “but Mars is often the harbinger of passion and motivation, not necessarily war and anger. Neptune guides us to a relationship with the divine and kinship with higher energies.  This etheric enhancement to our spirituality drifting through our dreams and imagination plays into our transcendent creativity, while Jupiter’s sheer size bespeaks her very nature; offering expansive hope, opportunity, faith, and rationality.  By observing natural cycles and their impact, we are challenged (and empowered) to become our highest selves, to embrace a higher way of moving through our world.  More than human beings, we learn to see ourselves as ‘Human Becomings’”.

“The birthing of the ‘Age of Aquarius’ will bring with it a recognition of our ‘Oneness’, and we’re called to spread the word, to share the good news.  As the cosmic cycles evolve we keep upgrading how we use our power.  We have outgrown the small stories of our lives”, Gloria continued, “and now we ask; …How can we raise our vibration?, …Cultivate a warmhearted neutrality?, …Honor the diversity? …Embrace the gift of choice and use it wisely?”

Courage and passion are aspects of divine feminine power, encouraging us to stay conscious about how we get triggered by our circumstances; …Do we respond from sadness, anger & fear?, …Or do we create from gratitude, empowerment & possibility? There’s been a recent movement of consciousness to re-establish Pluto as a planet, and isn’t this poetic justice since Pluto’s cosmic momentum accentuates ‘transformation’?!?  Our mission as ACT is to nurture positive transformation, and Gloria emboldened the promise of our collectively and joyously ACTivating a heroic community.  We invite you to join us in March at Unity By The Bay as we find ways to voice the enchantment, and “Keep Looking Up”.

Dancing With the Winds of Change

One by one we settled into our seats, awestruck by the light streaming in through the dozens of windows at Unity by The Bay.  We watched the rustling leaves clinging to their branches before the first Autumn chill, and realized they would soon be surrendering to the inevitable seasons of life.  We cleared our busy minds as visiting musician Megon McDonough enchanted us; “Thank you for this day, God, and my place in it…”

We then collectively fastened our virtual seatbelts for what was soon to be an adventure and inner exploration with our tour-guide, professional life coach Andria Corso.  She began gently enough; “We each have divine flow within us, how can we re-connect with this inner wisdom?  …Why do we struggle?!?”  We looked at various ways which we tend to live in response to fear, and considered how many of those fears are ‘false’, or stories we had made up.  We recognized how often the story in our head is much worse than an actual threat (except to our ego…), and asked ourselves “How would I feel if my fear came true?  …What choice would I then make?”  Andria then challenged us to ponder how often we approach life from our heart, our head, or a balance of both.  She encouraged us to notice a sense of in-authentic participation and stop it whenever possible; instead, she suggested we “…Align with your unique expression of life and allow that intuitive voice to lead your decisions.  Listen to the whispers and to the resistance.”   We examined how our holding onto outdated belief structures is as silly as a tree holding on to last season’s leaves, and how our intent to control is often an indicator of our ego’s voice.  “As a witness,” Andria assured us, “you must trust that the dots will eventually connect to create a beautiful mosaic.  Every day is a choice!”

ACT’s intent to support profound transformation within our community was made manifest that afternoon.  Like leaves in an October gust, the impact of Andria’s teachings will drift across our consciousness for quite some time.  We invite you to share these blogged stories with your friends, bring them with you to our next monthly educational and inspirational event, and have a great day.