Sunday, Nov 10, 2024: “Biofield Tuning and Emotion Code”

We experienced a wonderful presentation by Atoussa Davis on the power of Biofield tuning forks to lift the vibrational frequency of our bodies. Atoussa led us in a beautiful guided meditation integrated with playing of the tuning forks. We also each got to experience the tuning forks applied to our bodies so that we could feel grounded and peaceful.

For the second half of the program, Atoussa described “Emotion Code” and how emotions can get trapped in our body and can also create a wall around our heart. Atoussa then did energy work — releasing emotions for the group as a whole. This was very helpful as we were just post-election.

At the end of the program, folks shared that they felt more peaceful, calm, and quiet.  What a blessing!

The program was recorded and is available to ACT members.

Sunday, Jan 12, 2025: “Radiant Beginnings” with Cheryl Pace and Friends

The heavens opened up and the angels sang. It was glorious day. Each step of the program took us to a place of more peace and the possibility of connecting with our personal guides.

Lila Shoshanna Rae led the program with a beautiful meditation so that we could be fully present.

Dr. Dena Deglau invoked the energies and spirit guides of the cardinal directions to create a sacred and protected space in the Andean Shamanic tradition.


Richard Bredeson led us in a lovely Qigong practice so that we could truly settle in, feel grounded and balanced.

Cheryl Pace then led us in a beautiful, guided mediation to the higher realms. We each had a different experience enjoying the magnitude, peace, and serenity of the Divine.

What a great way to kick off the New Year — igniting our internal light so that it shines even brighter. Very special and inspirational!

For more pictures of the event, please visit us on Facebook:

Sunday, Dec 8, 2024: “Holiday Afternoon Tea Party”

We had a fabulous time dressing up and enjoying holiday tea with old and new friends! Tables were filled with a lovely spread of savory and sweet treats. We also enjoyed delicious wassail and a curated selection of teas.

Lilia Shoshanna Rae opened the tea with a lovely centering meditation so we could each be fully present. Richard Bredeson shared a selection of poetry to inspire and uplift. We especially enjoyed getting to know each other on a deeper level with the discussion prompts at each table.



The finale to the festivities was an awarding of prizes for the best tea party outfits. It was fun honoring the creativity and the holiday spirit.

Truly a wonderful, delightful event! ACT has the best members and guests.


For more pictures, please visit us on Facebook:

Sunday, October 13, 2024: “Movement and Meditation for World Peace” with Michele Adair, Linda Helms, and Debbie Frenkel

The October program was extraordinary! The heavens opened and we connected with beautiful, peaceful, healing energy for ourselves and for the planet.

Michele started us off with gentle chair yoga to align our energy bodies, get grounded and centered.

Linda and Debbie led the group in a powerful, deep meditation for peace. We each picked someone or someplace that we wanted to send Peace to. We wrapped up the meditation sending Love and Peace around the world.

There was a beautiful spirit of compassion and peace in the room and in our hearts. Very special!

NOTE: The recording of this program is available to ACT Members. If you want to receive the link please join or renew here: JOIN

Sunday, September 8, 2024: “A Radiant Rose Awakens 🌹 Voicing the Divine Feminine” with Elohi Magdalena Rosa & Pamela Jane Gerrand

We kicked off the 2024/25 program year with an extra special program led by Elohi Magdalena Rosa and Pamela Jane Gerrand. It was everything they said it would be and more. The time was magical, mystical, and transformative.

There were many beautiful elements to the program, “A Radiant Rose Awakens”. Here are a few highlights:

  • A touching poem by Pamela called “Come Closer”. Love says come closer, I’ve got you.
  • Elohi shared some of the history of Mary Magdalene, the discovery of her gospel, and one of her profound messages, that our voice is a gateway from our heart to other’s hearts.
  • Elohi and Pam led a deep and transforming transmission with sound, voice, music, and light language to upgrade our heart opening so that it’s deeper, wider, and holds a higher frequency; to reunite us with higher aspects of ourselves; and to restore each of us to our divine blueprint.
  • Pam closed with program with a special song that she wrote just for us, “Land of the Mary’s”. We are in Maryland and in the land of the Mary energy. It was extra special and very moving.

We left feeling blessed, expansive, and radiant from the energy transmissions. We learned, we were loved, and we were transformed. Amazing and Beautiful!

Please note: a recording of this special program is available to ACT Members. The link will be emailed to all current members. Not a member/need to renew? CLICK HERE

ACT Connect – Meet Our Talented Business Members

Sunday, April 14, 2024, we had an extra special program where our business members each shared their spiritual gifts and talents with the audience. Each speaker had eight minutes to introduce themselves and to offer an experience to the audience so that we could better understand their work. They shared with us a beautiful mix of spiritual energy work and healing information.

ACT Connect Program

Highlights from the program:

  • Lilia Shoshanna Rae led a Guided Meditation enabling us to be present and connected.
  • Cheryl Pace taught a simple technique to connect to our intuition and Connect with Spirit.
  • Kimberly Madden shared from an Astrology perspective, the importance of the recent April 8th solar eclipse and how to use the astrological energy of the times to “Think Big”, follow our inspirations, be bold, and daring.
  • Debbie Ulrich provided a Kinesiology Demonstration that showed the power of kinesiology to heal an emotional issue.
  • Richard Bredeson led us in a special Qigong Practice to wash our bone marrow.
  • Rosemary Robertson Bredeson shared a Channeling message from spirit to choose who we are in the world based on who do I want to be? and embracing the totality of who I am.
  • Mia Proctor deepened our peace by playing a beautiful Reiki-infused Singing Bowls Meditation.
  • Alison Cullinane shared how we can partner with nature to create what we want with our gardens along with what the garden feels that it needs. We can learn more with her Introduction to Cocreative Gardening through Guided Meditation.
  • Stephany Porter shared how she uses a Holographic Healthcare model when working with people to heal their mind, body, and spirit. She taps into the wisdom of The Intelligent Body to identify the healing messages held within.
  • Elohi Magdalena Rosa led us in a deep and powerful meditation to Connect to Our Divinity.

    Our ACT Business Members and Presenters

Before and after the speakers, Abbie Palmer serenaded us with beautiful harp music. Her lovely melodies felt like a hug from the angels – warm, gentle, nurturing, and soothing.

70 Gift Bags were available for guests

As a special bonus, each attendee received a gift bag decorated and filled with items from both the speakers and the ACT organization. There were coupons for discounts, reference materials, amethyst crystals, wood for smudging, and other goodies!

If you missed the program and you are an ACT member, a replay is available. I encourage you to give it a listen. The program was rich with messages for the times, positive energy, and healing opportunities.

For more photos of the event, check us out on Facebook and “like” the post! Here is the link:

Gerise Pappas – “A Pathway to Wholeness Using the Enneagram” – Sunday, March 10, 2024

We had a fascinating afternoon learning about the Enneagram, also known as the Enneagram of Personality, which is a model of the human psyche principally understood and taught as nine interconnected personality types.  Gerise Pappas ( walked us through the different Enneagram components and shared how we can learn, heal, and return to wholeness using the Enneagram model as a tool to better understand ourselves. 

We especially learned about how each of the nine different points on the Enneagram has a growth path that, when applied, can enable us to notice where we are and what we are experiencing in order to become more present, in balance, and connected to self. 



We also thoroughly enjoyed the beautiful guitar music of Richard Rausch, who has toured with Carl Anderson (of Jesus Christ Superstar fame). Richard also led and played with several opening act bands for renowned artists such as Paco De Lucia, Al Green, and Spirit. 

If you are an ACT member, consider listening to the Zoom replay. The Enneagram material is fascinating! You can really feel Gerise’s passion for the Enneagram and how the study of the Enneagram can support a return to wholeness especially during and after experiencing challenges in our lives. 

Join us for another exciting connection with Spiritual understanding, become an ACT member today! Join here

Elohi Magdalena Rosa – “Entering the Throne Room of Your Sacred Heart”

Sunday, February 11, 2024

What a profound and special program! Elohi Magdelena Rosa led us in a deep meditation into the most private and sacred throne room of our hearts. If you have ever had a moment when you felt the Divine, when you felt completely loved, completely known for the beautiful person that you are, that would be a taste of what we experienced.

The meditation helped us remember the part of us that is Source. That we are an aspect of the great I AM. Elohi also guided us to the possibility of connecting to higher dimensions and higher realms for messages and gifts that were specific to each of us individually. It was an emotional day for many of us!

Laura Kucine and Hardnett7 led the music and lifted the vibrational energy with a collection of love songs. Below is a brief video clip where you can see how our hearts opened with the closing song, “What a Wonderful World.”

If you are an ACT member and were unable to attend, I encourage you to watch or listen to the recording. Indeed, you will be blessed.

Click on this video image to enjoy a clip of our closing song!

And if you are not a member you can join or renew at this LINK

Sahffi Lynne – “Climb the Vocal Ladder to Vocalize Your Soul”

Sunday, January 14, 2024

What a fun experience sitting with fellow men and women of the Light and learning how we can enhance our voice and song to express more of our authentic self.

Sahffi Lynne, an intuitive and spiritual voice coach, explained how our voice is an instrument and just like any instrument, there are steps we can take to learn how to play the instrument with ease, beauty, and a connection to our soul. Each step of this vocal ladder that she introduced, is connected to one of the seven chakras.

Sahffi guided us with simple “exercises” that we can do for each rung of the vocal ladder to connect our voice, our chakras, and our soul. A fun example is, as a group we sang “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” before the vocal ladder exercises. We sounded okay.

After learning and practicing all the different exercises, we sang “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” again and we sounded FABULOUS! The change was dramatic and remarkable. You could hear the different harmonies coming through and the total sound had a richness and fullness to it. Amazing!

We wrapped up the day singing “Angels of Healing” by Lisa Thiel and “Imagine” by John Lennon. It was lovingly magical.

If you are a member and were not able to attend, please consider listening to the replay and, for sure, doing the exercises as Sahffi presents them. It’s well worth your time. You will be awed at the experience!!

If you are not a member and want to receive the video recording of this awesome event you can still join by clicking HERE

The ACT Holiday Party was a delightful success!

What an amazing holiday party! As Lilia says, “ACT people know how to celebrate, connect, and commune.” So true! Food was abundant and delicious. So wonderful to meet new people and catch-up with old friends.

We had great conversations at the dinner and dessert tables.  A selection of questions were provided for inspiration of something you might want to share about yourself with your tablemates. We learned interesting things about each other and deepened friendships.

A special highlight of the evening was the voice of Amy Frondoso, beckoning us to the dance floor. As we get up to dance to the song, “We are Family”, Amy made a dramatic entrance inspiring us even more to join the dancing. Amy kept the dance party going with a great mix of dance favorites and great tunes. It was a lot of fun.

What a great way to celebrate the holiday season with other spiritually, like-minded folks. What a blessing and a joy.

Click on the video image to enjoy the fun!