Category Archives: Update

The ACT Holiday Party was a delightful success!

What an amazing holiday party! As Lilia says, “ACT people know how to celebrate, connect, and commune.” So true! Food was abundant and delicious. So wonderful to meet new people and catch-up with old friends.

We had great conversations at the dinner and dessert tables.  A selection of questions were provided for inspiration of something you might want to share about yourself with your tablemates. We learned interesting things about each other and deepened friendships.

A special highlight of the evening was the voice of Amy Frondoso, beckoning us to the dance floor. As we get up to dance to the song, “We are Family”, Amy made a dramatic entrance inspiring us even more to join the dancing. Amy kept the dance party going with a great mix of dance favorites and great tunes. It was a lot of fun.

What a great way to celebrate the holiday season with other spiritually, like-minded folks. What a blessing and a joy.

Click on the video image to enjoy the fun!

Neale Donald Walsch Event

Saturday, Nov 4, 2023

What a special evening we shared listening to the wisdom of Neale Donald Walsch, author of “Conversations with God”.  Even though he broadcast from his Oregon studio, it felt like he was in the room with us.

He shared his belief that humanity is one decision away from peace. That decision happens when we answer the question, “Who am I?” and the answer is not what you would expect.

For the quick answer, to “Who am I?” Neale put forth the response: “I am an individuation of God” (or Pure Love). When we understand that we are spiritual beings manifesting as Pure Love, it changes how we live.

During the talk, Neale introduced the concept of people being “idea heroes” and he answered the question that his talk was titled, “What is causing the greatest problem in the world?” Then, he proceeded to answer that question.  (Again, the answer is not what you would expect.)

Our special evening included music offered by The One Love Band. The band brought together musicians from six different musical acts into a unified expression of love through their music. Members playing that evening were: Hardnett7 on vocals and 7 string guitar, Chad Holmes on djembe and drum, Dennis Kolb on bass and harmonies, Laura Kucine on vocals and percussion, and Gary Hardnett on vocals, wind instruments, bowls, and gong.


Our October 2023 Gathering with Kathleen Hanagan was deeply tranformative!

We had a wonderful time, Sunday, October 15, 2023, listening to Kathleen Hanagan share how we can connect to our sovereignty and manifest boldly with the creation energy.

She led us through an activity where we each picked either a scarf or an object that represented an important dream that each of us held in our heart. With the item, she led us in a meditation giving life to our dream and seeing it come to fruition. The work felt both powerful and encouraging.

The photo shows many of the attendees, post-meeting, with the scarf or item that represented their dream.

Summer Celebration: a great time was had by all!

We closed our program year with a celebration! On Saturday, June 17 we feasted our program year around a bonfire for the solstice and then danced to the magic of drumming, rattling, song and joy!

And we had a professional Drum Circle leader for the event!

Knowledge Shabazz who prefers to go by Lil Bird (his given Native American name), has been playing “hand drums” for most of his life. His love affair with the drum started as a child in the 1970’s, while being exposed to bands like Earth Wind & fire, War and Mandrill. These bands were introduced to him by his mother and his aunts /uncles. A few of his aunts were traveling through Africa and the Caribbean during this time so he would receive instruments and music from these far-off places.

During all this exposure to these different instruments and musical voicings there was a sound being molded, shaped and configured in the Washington DC area. This new sound and feel came to be known as the music of the Nation’s capital Gogo music.

Lil Bird is currently promoting his latest musical project the DC Hunters and their new album Norfeast to Nawlins. This album according to Big chief Brian Harrison-Nelson (Guardians of the Flame Maroon Society) …my brotha Lil Bird from the Mardi Gras Indian Nation has an important body of music that fuses Traditional Black Masking Indian music with Gogo percussions and rhythms from DC. He further states It’s a really special groundbreaking project that every lover of Gogo and New Orleans should support.

Our May 2023 Gathering featured Scott Lepthien as our speaker and Laura Kucine as our musician

Our May speaker was Scott Lepthien, our CCC member and treasurer! His talk: “A Perspective on the Art and Science behind Transformation,” highlighted:

  • How science supports and brings new possibilities to transformation
  • How different ideas support and maybe change the path to transformation.

We gained:

  • Understanding how science supports our transformation
  • Knowing the elements for transformation and how to use them
  • Identifying missing pieces from the transformation process
  • Realizing there is no one path to transformation and in fact it requires many paths to transform.

Scott’s BIO in his words:

As a “normal” human I was asleep for many years. I had told myself as a teenager I would not let this happen.  But with family, work and marriage and all my societal programming,  that is where I ended up.  Numbing myself with whatever was available.  It took a painful personal life event to wake me up. This is often what wakes a lot of people up.

This is where I started my work over 13 years ago.  Finding ways that make sense to me to be able to transform my thinking and how I show up in this world.  I continue to explore this process with vigor.

I have struggled with faith that did not have substance behind it. I needed to understand both the spiritual side of change and the science that supported it.  This has brought me to a path of continual learning.

I have trained under one of the three original Certified teachers of the Four Agreements, Gary Van Warmerdam. I am a certified Personal Mastery Coach trained by Jeromy Bellotti and Krystal Romero. I have done extensive reading and study of subjects pertaining to transformation and continue to do so.

A local Annapolis musician, Laura Kucine, added her beautiful voice and Spanish songs to our transporting and transforming experience.

Born and raised in Chile Laura learned to sing and play guitar by ear by listening to Chilean and American folk music on the radio or tapes. She grew up singing harmonies in church and developed a love affair with any kind of melody that involve group harmonies. She considers herself a folk / ballad interpreter and thrives on music and lyrics that have an historical meaning and touch your heart and soul. Lately she has been digging into Brazilian /bossa nova style…stay tuned!!


Laura was accompanied on 7-string guitar by our own Hardnett 7!

Our first Gathering for 2023 with Andrea Neville

Happy New Year, 2023!
Our program year continued January 8, with our theme:
Love Builds Bridges: Finding, Knowing, Being Your Deepest Self

NOTE: Members can review Andrea’s talk here on the website in at member’s only link. If you need to join or renew your membership GO HERE

Andrea’s talk was: Spiritual Evolution: Expand Your Understanding of Self by Bringing More Spirit Consciousness into Your Life

With Andrea’s guidance we explored how to:

  • Remember there is no one way to Spirit. There is no right or wrong. There is the way that works for each of us, and it evolves throughout our lives.
  • Learn to trust ourselves and our relationship to self and Spirit in evolution; it is never stagnant and never to be judged.
  • Create space for each person to connect with our inner voice, our Higher Self, identifying next steps in our relationship to Spirit Consciousness.

Andrea led us to:

  • Understand the importance of individual choice within a collective consciousness.
  • Create a variety of skills to use in connecting to inner voice.
  • Identify a variety of tools to use in connecting to Spirit.
  • Analyze the sacred space within and determine how it expands in universal alignment.

Andrea’s BIO:

Andrea Neville is a psychic medium, channel, healer, and podcast host, specializing in spiritual evolution and intuitive development. She is passionate about helping others connect to their inner voice and understand their own personal connection to the Spirit World.

My historical relationship with ACT as a member and board member is my inspiration for presenting. In addition, it is important to me that people have multiple paths to evolution. I feel strongly that living a spiritual life is not a one-way street. I am here to provide information, inspiration, and tools.

I walk my talk. Teaching concepts I’ve learned through direct client interaction, a highly rated podcast, and a spiritual membership community that I host.

I work with mediums from around the world and lead spiritual development opportunities.

Visit Andrea’s website for more information:

November 2022 Gathering: Love is the Alchemy that Brings Us Back Home to our Truest Self, with Anümani Santos, Intuitive Healer | Channel | Voice Alchemist

WOW! We all experienced something extraordinary on Sunday, November 13, 2022, as Anümani Santos lifted us up to a new level of love and a higher vibration of connection and community! Her “talk” — Love is the Alchemy that Brings Us Back Home to our Truest Self — was so much more than a presentation; it was inspired and channeled expressions of who we are evolving to BE as True Human Beings.

From Anümani: Our true essence is LOVE. Love is a state of consciousness. This love consciousness is encoded with frequencies and vibrations that emanate directly from Source, for we are fractals, individuations of the God/Goddess head. When we breathe, think, live from this state, all that is out of alignment, is alchemized and restored back into the light and we rise to higher ground, higher states of consciousness. Currently, we are letting go of the old template of ego-led martyrdom and suffering and stepping into a new way of being of Soul-led sovereignty, empowerment, and embodiment of our omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence. Love is the teacher, healer, guide, and SOURCE of that which needs to be remembered, accepted, and embraced. Through and with LOVE we create this template for the New Human and the New Earth.

In this gathering, Anümani channeled her guides (Ishtar and other ascended beings) as they spoke about the alchemy of love and its importance in the transformation of the Earth and humanity. We moved into a channeled sound alchemy transmission where participants received a quantum heart healing and activation to unify separated aspects of their heart that are holding wounds and trauma from other lifetimes/timelines/realities and to bring back home aspects of their Soul that hold gifts and wisdom needed on the next phase of their journey.

Biographical Information:

Anümani Santos, intuitive healer, channel, and voice alchemist is a sought-after spiritual teacher and transformational leader who channels powerful activations, delivers talks, and workshops that empower heart-centered leaders, entrepreneurs, changemakers, creatives, healers, and messengers to unleash their Soul’s genius and show up in the world as their most brilliant and authentic self.

Anümani is a bridge to the Soul and vessel for many ascended beings and deities (angelic, galactic, and earthly) that channel healing sounds, light language, and activations that work on the cellular level to bring forth healing, awakening, and evolution. She also is a high priestess of Isis and the Rose lineage, and an activator of the Christ consciousness and the sacred mysteries of the divine heart.

Learn more at:

NOTE: ACT members receive the recordings of all our talks. If you are not a member, current for the 2022/2023 program year, Join or Renew HERE

October 2022 Gathering and Talk: “Know Yourself to BE Yourself”

For our October Gathering we continued with our theme for the program year:

“Love Builds Bridges: Finding, Knowing, Being Your Deepest Self”

The speaker, Rosemary Robertson Bredeson, The Scientific Mystic, addresses our theme with: “Know Yourself to BE Yourself”

Being authentic in today’s world depends on how deeply and truly we understand our thoughts, beliefs, and motivations.  Whether in personal or business relationships, knowing yourself is the best way to create successful and satisfying relationships and a fulfilling life of purpose.

We looked at how Human Design and other systems of self-knowledge can help you to better understand who you are BEing.

Through Rosemary’s teaching you:

  • Learn HOW to learn who you are/your purpose
  • Understand ‘conditioning’ and how you can overcome being what someone else or society wants you to be
  • Experience how it feels to be in your own energy and ONLY your energy
  • Gain tools to explore to learn more about being your authentic self, along with permission to move beyond the influence of others to be the ‘not-self’

The recording of Rosemary’s talk is now online and available to members. If you want to receive the talk you may join or renew your membership HERE

November 2020 Gathering: Embracing Oneness through the Mystical Union with Your Divine Self, with Anümani Santos, Modern Day Shaman

ACT’s November 8 program featured Anümani Santos, and it was truly amazing — both informative and experiential. One that we will long remember. ACT has been working hard to bring top notch programs, especially during the challenging times of 2020.

Anümani’s presentation entitled, “Embracing Oneness through the Mystical Union with your Divine Self” was a transformative and soul changing talk.  Her use of ancient light language guided us to transcend our conscious mind and connect to a state of higher vibration.

She reminded us of the power available when we live our lives from the inside out. She reviewed the tools we could utilize to tap into these higher consciousness levels which include prayer, music, and the awareness of a higher vibrational level of living – a level she calls the “Oversoul”. Her soft but profound words, her moving meditation and her use the Sacred Light Language was a truly mystical experience.

With deep gratitude we thank you, Anümani!

(The recording of her presentation will be available to ACT members through a link sent to members by email – one of our new benefits for members.)

Anümani sent us the Mantra she used during her presentation:

MANTRA to call forward your I AM PRESENCE and DIVINE SELF:

I invoke the presence of my Divine Presence/Divine Self. 

In doing so, I unify with the Light of my I AM presence. 

I AM the Light, the Light I AM. 

Nothing else exists in me but the Light I AM, the Light of my Divinity, the Light of Creation in its purest form I AM. 


More information about Anümani, her books and her offerings can be found below.
She would also love to receive testimonials from any who heard her speak.

Links to the ACT Gathering recordings are available to current members.

If you have not joined or renewed your membership for the 2020/2021 Program Year you may do so here: JOIN

Anümani Santos, Modern Day Shaman, is an artist, award-winning author, channel, coach, and spiritual teacher who enriches audiences with her powerful channeling and transformational presence, opening hearts and inspiring minds to new possibilities and a deeper knowing of who they really are.

She is a contributing author to the anthology Pebbles in the Pond, Wave 4, and international bestselling author of Unmasking Your Soul: A Transformational Journey of Truth, Light, and Healing (Book 1). She is the forthcoming author of Unmasking Your Soul: Activating the Sacred Mysteries of the Divine Heart (Book 2). Visit her website at: