WOW! We all experienced something extraordinary on Sunday, November 13, 2022, as Anümani Santos lifted us up to a new level of love and a higher vibration of connection and community! Her “talk” — Love is the Alchemy that Brings Us Back Home to our Truest Self — was so much more than a presentation; it was inspired and channeled expressions of who we are evolving to BE as True Human Beings.
From Anümani: Our true essence is LOVE. Love is a state of consciousness. This love consciousness is encoded with frequencies and vibrations that emanate directly from Source, for we are fractals, individuations of the God/Goddess head. When we breathe, think, live from this state, all that is out of alignment, is alchemized and restored back into the light and we rise to higher ground, higher states of consciousness. Currently, we are letting go of the old template of ego-led martyrdom and suffering and stepping into a new way of being of Soul-led sovereignty, empowerment, and embodiment of our omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence. Love is the teacher, healer, guide, and SOURCE of that which needs to be remembered, accepted, and embraced. Through and with LOVE we create this template for the New Human and the New Earth.
In this gathering, Anümani channeled her guides (Ishtar and other ascended beings) as they spoke about the alchemy of love and its importance in the transformation of the Earth and humanity. We moved into a channeled sound alchemy transmission where participants received a quantum heart healing and activation to unify separated aspects of their heart that are holding wounds and trauma from other lifetimes/timelines/realities and to bring back home aspects of their Soul that hold gifts and wisdom needed on the next phase of their journey.
Biographical Information:
Anümani Santos, intuitive healer, channel, and voice alchemist is a sought-after spiritual teacher and transformational leader who channels powerful activations, delivers talks, and workshops that empower heart-centered leaders, entrepreneurs, changemakers, creatives, healers, and messengers to unleash their Soul’s genius and show up in the world as their most brilliant and authentic self.
Anümani is a bridge to the Soul and vessel for many ascended beings and deities (angelic, galactic, and earthly) that channel healing sounds, light language, and activations that work on the cellular level to bring forth healing, awakening, and evolution. She also is a high priestess of Isis and the Rose lineage, and an activator of the Christ consciousness and the sacred mysteries of the divine heart.
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