ACT welcomed our beloved Gloria Hesseloff, renowned professional astrologer and stargazing mystic, in February 2017 as our keynote presenter. She shared her insights as we began what she described to be “…a year of sacred preparations. This is our opportunity to put supportive structure in place, both in our lives and in our outer world.”
A wealth of Akashic knowledge, Gloria enlightened us about the general energetic tendencies and influences associated with the planets: “Yes, Venus is all about Love Sweet Love”, she agreed, “but Mars is often the harbinger of passion and motivation, not necessarily war and anger. Neptune guides us to a relationship with the divine and kinship with higher energies. This etheric enhancement to our spirituality drifting through our dreams and imagination plays into our transcendent creativity, while Jupiter’s sheer size bespeaks her very nature; offering expansive hope, opportunity, faith, and rationality. By observing natural cycles and their impact, we are challenged (and empowered) to become our highest selves, to embrace a higher way of moving through our world. More than human beings, we learn to see ourselves as ‘Human Becomings’”.
“The birthing of the ‘Age of Aquarius’ will bring with it a recognition of our ‘Oneness’, and we’re called to spread the word, to share the good news. As the cosmic cycles evolve we keep upgrading how we use our power. We have outgrown the small stories of our lives”, Gloria continued, “and now we ask; …How can we raise our vibration?, …Cultivate a warmhearted neutrality?, …Honor the diversity? …Embrace the gift of choice and use it wisely?”
Courage and passion are aspects of divine feminine power, encouraging us to stay conscious about how we get triggered by our circumstances; …Do we respond from sadness, anger & fear?, …Or do we create from gratitude, empowerment & possibility? There’s been a recent movement of consciousness to re-establish Pluto as a planet, and isn’t this poetic justice since Pluto’s cosmic momentum accentuates ‘transformation’?!? Our mission as ACT is to nurture positive transformation, and Gloria emboldened the promise of our collectively and joyously ACTivating a heroic community. We invite you to join us in March at Unity By The Bay as we find ways to voice the enchantment, and “Keep Looking Up”.