Just in time for Valentine’s Day!
“Reconnecting with your Divine Self and your Partner”
Our Program Year continues with our theme:
“Learning, Loving and Transforming”
So often we end up abandoning ourselves to fit into our family, to stay connected, and to feel loved. We end up repeating karmic patterns and resorting to survival strategies that keep us disconnected from our true selves and our true love.
- Learn how to stop abandoning yourself,
- Stop playing small in your life, and
- Stop giving away all your time and energy to please others or to follow expectations.
Love yourself enough to make yourself the priority and honor your Divinity. Become empowered to fully shine your light and claim your power as an individual and as part of a couple. Your partner has your blueprint for growth and understanding how to grow into the areas that will make you whole while meeting your partner’s needs is the magic of an intentional relationship.
Nurturing the sacred space between you is the key to transformation.
Dr. Carol Ann Robbins
Carol Ann Robbins, Ph.D. is a licensed clinical psychologist specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of ADHD across the lifespan at the Annapolis ADHD Center. She has been evaluating and treating clients with ADHD and co-occurring conditions for over thirty years in private practice, and is a published author and professional speaker in the field. She is a trained Imago Relationship therapist treating couples and individuals to improve their relationships. She is also a psychospiritual healer and Reiki Master, and is becoming certified in Akashic Record Reading and Healing on the Quantum Field.
Our Venue:
Annapolis Friends Meeting
351 Dubois Road
Annapolis, MD 21401
(off Bestgate Road)
The ACT Vision
A Community of Transformation (ACT) is a nonprofit educational organization dedicated to transformation in individuals, communities and the earth. We strive to integrate mind, body and spirit to achieve peace, harmony and wisdom.
Our Vision – An inspirational, heart-centered community that nurtures profound transformation.